Surviving rape
I was recently raped and have begun to feel the effects on how lonely the actual feeling is, so I am creating this website as a place for those who can relate to begin to find some peace and solice and maybe even relate to me.

Trigger Warning!!!!!!

Please be aware that some of the content on this site may be very triggering to some, so please procceed with caution

What is Sexual Harrasment, Sexual Assault, and Rape?

Sexual Harrasement: the unwanted sexual comments or advances made to an individual. This can look like cat-calling, begging for sexually explicit photos, or being asked for favors for advancement.
Sexual Assault: ANY sexual activity you did not consent too. This can include gropping, sexual coersion, or sexual acts taking place when you could not consent.
Rape : legally termed as any unwanted sexual penetration, no matter how slight or with any body part or object.

My story

I was raped by my ex boyfriend 3 days after we ended our 19 month relationship. I was so ashamed that I didnt tell anyone for weeks despite the fact it caused lack of sleep, constant anxiety, panic attacks and discomfort in my own skin, when I finally told my family what had happened I expected to feel better and I did not because I had to accept what happened to me instead of pretending that it did not happen. While I have been finding solice in what has happpened I have begun writing about it so that maybe I can feel more at ease.

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